legacy Legacy Work Starts Day One Real players know that legacy is job one on day one. Legacy is the result of daily decisions, the choices that guide you.
purpose Purpose-Led Growth in Communities: A Framework and Worksheet How do you get everyone else on board and keep the momentum as you grow your community? It's all about tapping into the collective power of purpose.
building Community is Building to Learn Stop sweating the place setting. Make sure the right people know how to find you and join. With the right people, what you are building will get better over time!
mental model, framework, experts The ABZ Framework: Building Community with User Alignment The brainchild of Shaan Puri, this framework provides a clear and impactful approach for community builders looking to move quickly and in the community's best interests.
gamify Unlock Your Community-Based Business With This One Simple Change Imagine your business is a ship navigating through the murky waters of the market. Your customers are the crew, seeking signs of land or progress. If they don't see these signs, their morale, much like their engagement with your business, plummets. Let's fix it!