Embracing Your Humanity: A Solopreneur's Competitive Edge in an AI-Driven World
It's easy to get lost on the path to being successful. When everyone else works in one direction, it's hard to go against the stream. But that's precisely why you should.

It's easy to get lost on the path to being successful. When everyone else works in one direction, it's hard to go against the stream.
But that's precisely why you should.
Good Times...On an Airline?!?!
For example, I bet you can count on one hand the number of outstanding experiences you've had on an airline.
It wasn't because of the food. It probably wasn't because of the stability of the plane.
It's because somebody went out of their way. They treated you like someone special. They took care of you on the plane. They took care of you getting on the plane. Someone helped you with your bag. You had a friendly and chatty neighbor.
They connected with you as YOU, not as Passenger 37B (hate those middle seats!).
The Rush to Technology Enabled
Chatbots, autoresponders, call centers...oh my!
To think we're worried about gamification when the dehumanization of the customer experience is almost complete.
You're just rows in an endless database. Some 1s and 0s.
What's better for those corporations isn't always better for YOU.
When things are broken like this, you have an incredible opportunity to make something personal, meaningful, and valuable to someone else.
We call this OPPORTUNITY.
Here are Three Simple Ways You Can Stand Out by Not Fitting In
1. Personalized Connections
In a world where automated responses are the norm, your ability to establish genuine, one-on-one connections with clients and customers sets you apart.
How can you go the extra mile to make your interactions more personal and meaningful?
This is one of my favorite hacks. Instead of automatically replying to new customers, I use automation to text me the phone number and the name of the person who just purchased from me.
I make time every day to call these people. 99% of these calls go straight to voicemail and people don't call me back. They're not expecting a phone call, but they do get a two-minute message from me thanking them for purchasing a product or a membership.
It's a simple welcome message, but in less than two minutes they feel seen, they have connected with me, they know I care and they know how to contact me if they need to.
2. Teach with Stories
Information today is treated as a commodity.
How fast can it be delivered? How many places can I have it? How many mediums can it exist in? Can I read it? Can I watch it? Can I hear it?
This multiplication of content skips right past one of the most powerful ways to teach and create personal change. Telling a great story.
How can you use your own experiences, challenges, and triumphs to connect on a deeper level with your customers? Teach with a story.
Dieticians shouldn't just say "avoid the messy middle aisles" in the supermarket. Tell a story of what happens there.
Politicians don't tell you what's wrong or who needs help. They tell you a story.
The next time you have a really powerful concept to share or impart, use the rule of three:
#1 - Set Up
#2 - Anticipation
#3 - Punchline.
Add a Sense of Humor to the Mundane
I just spent a wonderful few days in Nashville, Tennessee. My first time in this vibrant and energetic city.
There are many memories I take home, but the one that really stands out is just how much personality is packed into those few square miles.
Case in point. All of the signs for customers are unique.
Staff Only Please becomes Staff Only - Don't Make Things Weird
No Firearms Allowed becomes "Don't take your guns to town, son...Don't take your guns to town" (Johnny Cash)
or the inimitable Rosepepper Cantina, who makes you laugh even when you don't want to.

The Final Word
In a world where automation is on the rise, what makes you unique can be a beacon of authenticity and connection.
This isn't a question of should you do this...it's a question of HOW will you do this?
Looking forward to see how you make this happen.