12 Questions to Inspire Community Actions

12 Questions to Inspire Community Actions

I'm super excited to ship this end-of-year resource to you.

As my subscribers, you've been the source of many an inspiration.

I appreciate your support over the course of the last year as I transitioned through official unemployment back to gainful over-employment with the amazing crew inside Late Checkout.

It's been a wild ride, but I would hope for no less. Adventure is a huge part of life and sharing our adventures is what makes a community.

Thanks to LC, I interview between 10 and 15 creators a week on what they're building and what they need to know more about to build community-based businesses.

The PDF (download link below) is the curation of my 12 favorite questions.

It's really easy to get distracted and talk about tactics, but I find it's really helpful to get people out of their current frame and thinking about their community a little more intentionally.

The best way to do that is to go just a little off script.

Not too far, just enough to get people thinking a little more deeply about what they're building and who they're building it for and why.

I hope you find these 12 questions to be a useful resource for you as you evaluate your work and hatch your plans for 2024.

Friendly reminder that you can always find me on Twitter or LinkedIn if you want to connect and talk more about how I can help you out.

May your holiday be full of joy, rest, creativity...and just the right amount of community.

~ Patrick

ps - you can download the 12 Questions framework here.